Your Experienced Birth Educator
Sacha Taylor HBCE DipHB(KGH)
07957 397291

Andy – A dad’s perspective

Just wanted to add my sincere thanks as well. I think the benefits of the course are 2 fold – first equipping us as a couple with the knowledge of what was happening at each stage, and the breathing techniques, which are vital. This created a real sense of comfort for me and Claire that we knew what we were doing.

I think the key benefit of the course is the relaxation techniques however. Subconsciously and consciously, I think these played a key role in a peaceful and natural birth for both Claire and Oscar – the midwife commented at how consistent and relaxed Oscars heart rate was during birth and Claire was peaceful and serene between contractions and pushing.

All in all highly recommended and would like to say you were wonderful – demeanour, teaching style and balance of approach.

Thank you

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