Your Experienced Birth Educator
Sacha Taylor HBCE DipHB(KGH)
07957 397291


There are many questions that crop up time and time again about HypnoBirthing. This page is designed to answer some of the most common ones.

Who is Hypnobirthing suitable for?

Hypnobirthing is suitable for anyone, whether you’re a first time mum or have had children before.

The course is designed to help women who are frightened or anxious about birth because they’ve never done it before, or because of a bad experience last time, or those who aren’t necessarily anxious, just wanting a calmer, easier, more comfortable birth experience.

If you’re pregnant, and looking for an alternative to the over-medicalised, pain-is-inevitable, “give me every drug available” mindset, then Hypnobirthing is definitely for you.

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Will I be ‘out of it’ if I use Hypnobirthing?

No, absolutely not. With Hypnobirthing (in fact, virtually all hypnosis), you are fully aware of what is going on around you but you can choose to ‘tune out’ of any distractions.  See our page on myths about hypnosis.

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I’m not sure about hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Is Hypnobirthing safe?

Hypnosis is absolutely safe and often misunderstood, when in fact all of us, several times every day, go into a naturally hypnotic state.

Unfortunately, TV, film and stage portrayal of hypnosis has left a lot of people with a mistaken view of what hypnosis is, and what it can (and can’t) do.

Because this is such a common problem, I’ve dedicated a page to dispelling the myths about hypnosis.  Please have a look for more information.

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Can you guarantee a completely pain-free labour and birth?

No. There are many factors that can affect a birth, some of which are outside our control.

Also, like anything we set out to do in life, a successful outcome is related to the amount of practice you put in.

However, as a guide, according to the HypnoBirthing Institute, around 65-70% of Hypnobirthing mums don’t need any form of pain relief.

Around a further 20-25% only require something mild, like gas and air.

The remaining 5-10% usually fall into what we call ‘special circumstances’, where medical intervention is required. However, the mums I’ve taught in this category always tell me that Hypnobirthing really helped – even if they were induced, or ended up with a caesarean, they felt calmer and more in control.

Remember – the aim of Hypnobirthing is not a completely pain-free and picture-perfect ‘natural’ birth (although that is of course possible).  It is to have a calmer, easier, more comfortable birth, no matter how or where your baby is born, where you are in control of any decisions you make along the way and birth feeling empowered and confident.

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What are the main advantages in using Hypnobirthing?

  • Teaches deep levels of relaxation to facilitate what your body is doing and to tune out of any unnecessary distractions
  • Greatly reduces and often eliminates the need for pain relief
  • Shortens the first phase of labour
  • Leaves mums feeling alert, fresh and energised after birth
  • Helps maintain a plentiful oxygen supply for mum and baby during birthing
  • Reduces the need for an episiotomy/tearing
  • Empowers parents with techniques to achieve a gentle, calm birth for themselves and their baby
  • Gives the birthing companion an integral role in the birthing
  • Embraces the concept of pre-birth parenting
  • Teaches breathing techniques that allow a woman to gently breathe her baby into the world without the need for hard, physical pushing
  • Encourages and supports parents to have educated, confident and informed discussions with their caregivers

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When should I start the classes?

Somewhere between 20-30 weeks is ideal, to give you plenty of time to practice the techniques, and if you are feeling particularly anxious about birth, I would recommend starting the course earlier to help you feel calmer and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy with confidence. And if you are already past 30 weeks, please be reassured it’s never too late, as Hypnobirthing will always make a positive difference, and I can tailor a shorter course for you if needed.

I have taught women who finished the course on their due date, others who gave birth unexpectedly half-way through the course and it still helped them birth beautifully.

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Does my partner/husband have to attend the classes?

Yes if possible – Birthing companions are a very important part of your Hypnobirthing journey and they will get lots out of attending the course.

However, if your partner/husband cannot attend all the classes and/or help you practice or attend the birth, your mother, sister or friend can also be your birthing companion.  You can also hire a Doula to support you if no other options are available.

Whoever you choose, they would ideally attend all the classes and support you during labour and birth.

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I have a question not answered above or elsewhere on the site

Please feel free to contact me for any more information or more detail on any aspect of HypnoBirthing.  I will be more than happy to help!

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